Re: Jupiter

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 54818
Date: 2008-03-07

So now you agree with me. How malleable you are!
My point was that the Romans added all the
accoutrements of Zeus and transformed Jupiter to a
clone of Zeus. You orginally denied that and now you
accept it.
Thank you!

--- Patrick Ryan <proto-language@...> wrote:

> You are completely right, Joao.
> What some whose only source of information is
> Wikipedia do not seem to
> understand is that myths, however intrinsically
> fascinating, do not affect
> cult and cultural significance except very
> marginally.
> For the very shallow, myths are religion.
> The sky/weather god, who is usually associated with
> the planet Jupiter,
> represents Dumézil's tripartite sovereignty
> ——— not warriordom as one list
> writer ignorantly opined.
> One feature of ancient religion that Dumézil
> missed, and I also did for a
> long time, is that the sovereign god is _not_ the
> creator god, which strikes
> most of us, who have been brought up in Christian
> culture as passing
> strange.
> And what I missed altogether for many years is the
> connection of this
> creator god, who precedes all others, with the North
> Pole, and the Northern
> Circumpolar Region in general; and with time.
> Strangely, this creator god has been eclipsed by his
> sons and daughters in
> almost all religions with the notable exception of
> Judaism, where Yahweh,
> who is an indelicately mixed bag of attributes,
> still _invisibly_ represents
> him.
> Any of the gods and goddesses could fight and enter
> human conflicts but the
> war-god, in addition to his martial arts, is usually
> regarded with more fear
> than admiration because of his manic rage, during
> the passage of which even
> the family pets are not safe. This god, not
> surprisingly, is associated with
> intoxicants of all kinds. Berserker rage was an
> artificially encouraged if
> not initiated condition.
> The only thing I would question in your factual
> presentation below is adding
> So:te:r to Jupiter's nomenclature. This is, of
> course, Greek; and savior in
> the commonly understood sense, is not one of
> Jupiter's usual functions.
> Patrick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 6:30 AM
> Subject: Res: [tied] Jupiter
> Before the Greek influence, Iupiter was very similar
> to Zeus, due his common
> IE source (Dyeus=Zeus=Jupiter) and previous Greek
> influence in Etruscan
> mythology (Tinia=Zeus). The main influence of Greeks
> in Jupiter was that
> Roman Jupiter absorbed all myths from Greek Zeus,
> his children, genealogy,
> and tales. Roman Iupiter was not son of Saturn
> before being assimilated to
> Zeus son Kronos.
> ----- Mensagem original ----
> De: Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...>
> Para:
> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 6 de Março de 2008 21:15:15
> Assunto: [tied] Jupiter
> Here's what Wikipedia has to say
> (1st section)
> Note that Jupiter held the same role as Zeus --i.e.
> Jupiter had been assimilated to Zeus. Note the Greek
> title Soter. This is, of course, after the Romans
> had
> assimilated much of Greek culture.
> In Roman mythology, Jupiter (Iuppiter in Latin) held
> the same role as Zeus in the Greek pantheon. He was
> called Juppiter Optimus Maximus Soter (Jupiter Best,
> Greatest, Saviour); as the patron deity of the Roman
> state, he ruled over laws and social order. He was
> the
> chief god of the Capitoline Triad, with Juno and
> Minerva. In Latin mythology Jupiter is the father of
> Mars. Therefore, Jupiter is the grandfather of
> Romulus
> and Remus, the founders of Rome.
> Iuppiter, originating in a vocative compound derived
> from archaic Latin Iovis and pater (Latin for
> father),
> was also used as the nominative case. Jove[1] is a
> less common English formation based on Iov-, the
> stem
> of oblique cases of the Latin name. Additionally,
> linguistic studies identify his name as deriving
> from
> the Indo-European compound *dyēus- pəter-
> ("O Father God"), the Indo-European deity from whom
> also derive the Germanic *Tiwaz (from whose name
> comes
> the word Tuesday), the Greek Zeus, and the Vedic
> equivalent, Dyaus Pita.
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________
> _________ _
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