From: Alexandru Moeller
Message: 51729
Date: 2008-01-21
> Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:cf. Meyer-Lübke which wants to see a " rom. "*pu:tium" as backwards
> > Is it invented? It could easily have been abstracted from
> > <prae-pu:tium>. It's already there, so there's no need to invoke a
> > substratal word.
>neither me but it will be nice to see some if someone knows them. Yet,
> Regarding the sematism of the abstraction it could work: but why "pre-"
> was lost? This is difficult to explain: I don't remember any Latin word
> in Romanian that lost his Latin prefix
>I have the question regarding the vocalism here not the one of the
> > It would only make sense if you had some damn good
> > independent evidence that such *puk^ah2 really existed.
> >
> > Piotr
> I think that I have this evidence:
> ==================================
> Is Albanian : puth 'to kiss, (reflx.III) to make sex' < PAb *putsa <
> PIE *puk^-o