Re: Bird (was: Renfrew's theory renamed as Vasco-Caucasian)

From: tgpedersen
Message: 51499
Date: 2008-01-19

> This is easier: from some substrate with p,t > bh,dh (> b,d in Germanic)
> *bed-ro- > *bred-ro- > bridd
> Actually Holzer claims to have found *bedro "feather, wing"
> (supposedly < PIE *pet-ro) in his Temematic substrate in Slavic, cf
> namely in names of certain plants (with composite, 'gefiederte'
> leaves) and insects.
> He also lists bedro "thigh" as a temematic word (supposedly <
> *ped-ro). I wonder if they are the same word and related to *p-t-
> "open up"? Møller does list that *p-t- with Semitic cognates.
> Following his own rules for accounting for 'Noreen alternation'
> one could set up a root *bhedh- alternating with *pet-, and then
> there would be no need for a Temematic substrate;

the *pet-ro/*bhedh-ro root would the mean something like "extremity
(of the body)", ie arm, leg, wing, etc
