Re: Slavic borrowing < ?

From: stlatos
Message: 50867
Date: 2007-12-11

--- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@...> wrote:

> Most of these have multiple met. at the proto- and individual
> language-stages. If, for example, *galuma:n existed in one of the
> more western types and met. > *gamalun later, a borrowing into an
> Alan-type might be *gamal'un and into Sl. with l' as j before back. A
> simpler series might also be possible depending on timing and the
> exact Slavic treatment of l' / l / L at a given stage. There are so
> many possibilities, I can't be sure of any series as certain, but many
> seem possible to me.


It seems possible to me that Turkish was an intermediate in the
borrowing; if Gyuma was directly related to Gamajun then it confirms
both met. and that the met. occurred afterr reaching Slavic.