Re: -leben/-lev/-löv and -ung- (gothic loanwords)

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 50814
Date: 2007-12-09

On 2007-12-09 20:53, fournet.arnaud wrote:

> I cannot see why these words should be specifically Gothic.
> They look germanic, but what makes them Gothic ?

Of course not literary Wulfilan Gothic. That's why I said "early (East)
Germanic". Even that may be hard to prove in individual cases, though
_some_ of those words look too archaic to be anything else, since in
very early times speakers of Proto-Slavic had contacts with various East
Germanic groups rather than any other Germanic-speakers. And of course
the material presented in the article is of uneven quality. I assume
it's some kind of draft rather than a finished article. If I were the
editor responsible for its publication, I'd suggest numerous corrections.
