Re: Re[2]: Res: Re[2]: Res: Res: Res: [tied] Re: Etimology of Hellen

From: Francisco Antonio Doria
Message: 50704
Date: 2007-12-05

Willacharius? Humm... possible. Txs!

"Brian M. Scott" <BMScott@...> escreveu:
At 5:21:56 PM on Tuesday, December 4, 2007, Rick McCallister

> Yes, I like will-harjaz.

That would be *wilja-harjaz.

> It fits in with all those "street gang" names from the
> Goths et al. But is it attested anywhere?

It's well-attested in (what is now) France. Morlet offers:

Wiliacharius early
Uuilliharius 693?
Williarius 774
Williheri 800
Willihere 860
Williharius 828
Wilihere 894
Vuilicherius 858
Willehere 887x90
Vuillarius 780
Vuillerius 935
Willerius 964
Wilharius 875
Wilheri 802
Wilhere 873, 887

Hispano-Gothic <Uiliario> 950, <Viliari> 929 (gen.), and
<Guiliar> 947 seem also to belong here.


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