Re: [tied] Re: Renfrew's theory renamed as Vasco-Caucasian

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 49941
Date: 2007-09-17

Cavalli-Sforza, the "Black Horse" of genetics links
the spead of agriculture to the J2 Y-chromosome, if I
remember correctly. I believe this chromosome is
mainly found in Anatolia, Kurdistan, Iran and Central
Asia and gradually peters out toward the NW, where my
male ancestors in Kintyre and thence to Belfast to
Appalachia carried the chromosome.
I believe it's about 20-30% in the Balkans and less
than 1% in the British Isles and almost non-existent
in W. Scotland and Ireland, where I believe the
dominant chromosome is the same as in Aquitaine and N
I don't know what the figure is for the Caucasus.
I've read that J is closely related to I, which is
linked to the Viking expansion --which may or may not
say something about the origin of Germanic

--- Francesco Brighenti <frabrig@...> wrote:

> --- In, OctaviĆ  Alexandre
> <oalexandre@...>
> wrote:
> > I think Renfrew's was right in stating the
> spreading of agriculture
> > through Europe was linked to the spreading of
> languages, but wrong
> > in that languages were IE. He overlooks too much
> linguistic data
> > for his theory to fit in what we know about IE.
> Nor he even
> > considered other non-IE languages as
> candidates........Hurrian and
> > Urartian (grouped toghether as Hurro-Urartian),
> once spoken in
> > Anatolian have been shown to be related to the NEC
> family.......
> > Other works link Etruscan (alongside with
> languages such as
> > Raethic, Lemnian, Eteo-Cretan, Eteo-Cypriot and
> pre-IE Greek) with
> > NEC and Hurro-Urartian. So the chances are all
> these languages
> > descent from the ones spoken by the first
> agricultors of the
> > Neolithic.
> The recent genetic paper on pig domestication in
> Europe available at
> ,
> whose download link was already provided by M.
> Kelkar a few days
> ago, arrives at the conclusion that the earliest
> domesticated pigs
> in Europe were introduced from the Near East by
> neolithic farmers.
> The authors of that paper maintain that the
> discovery and analysis
> of ancient Near Eastern pig remains across Europe
> would suggest that
> Europe was colonized by Near Eastern farmers who
> brought their
> `farming package' of domesticated plants, animals
> and distinctive
> pottery styles with them. Thus, their conclusions
> appear consistent
> with Renfrew's hypothesis about a major 'demic'
> diffusion of farming
> populations from the Near East into Europe during
> the Neolithic,
> with the important difference that they, of course,
> don't assume
> that those farmers spoke IE languages!
> If these farmers really came to SE Europe from
> Anatolia, I agree
> with you that Hurro-Urartian/NEC languages are a
> good candidate for
> their linguistic affiliation. All the better if
> these languages will
> one day be proved to be related to
> Etruscan/Raethic/Lemnian, Eteo-
> Cretan, Eteo-Cypriot, pre-IE Greek ('Pelasgian'?),
> Hattic and you
> name it... :^)
> Thanks and best regards,
> Francesco

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