sR > R versus sR > sR also RR > R versus RR>RR

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 47958
Date: 2007-03-19

a) The clusters s+Resonant are reduced to R in PAlb. and Latin

sm > m
1. PIE *sm > Latin m
2. PIE *sm > PAlb m

sn > n
1. PIE *sn > Latin n
2. PIE *sn > PAlb n

*sl > l, ll
1.a PIE *sl- > Latin l-
1.b PIE *-Vsl- > Latin -V:l-
2. PIE *sl- > PAlb ll

*sr > fr, br, rr
1.a PIE *sr- > Latin fr-
1.b PIE *-sr- > Latin -br-
2. PIE *sr- > PAlb rr

*sw > d/zero, sw-
1.a PIE *sw- > Latin sw- ?
1.b PIE *-sw- > Latin -rw-
=> the cluster *sw seems stable in Latin
2. PIE *sw- > PAlb zero/d

*sy > sh, s,iy
1.a PIE *sy- > Latin s-
1.b PIE *-sy- > Latin -iy-
2. PIE *sy- > PAlb sh

Note: Greek and Armenian shows similar reductions

But Celtic, Baltic, Indo-Iranian, Germanic seems to preserved the sR

My question is :
How old these reductions could be in PAlb, Latin or in Greek or

For sure in Greek they happened before Homeric Times (800BC) so they
could be very old in all these languages maybe indicating a South-IE
regional pattern...


P.S. : In addition the great majority of resonant R+R clusters are
not stable either in Latin as in PAlb.