Re: [tied] Daimo:n 'Divider' <-> Bog 'Divider' too?

From: mcarrasquer
Message: 47003
Date: 2007-01-17

--- In, Andrew Jarrette <anjarrette@...> wrote:
>And how regular is this velar colouring of *e to *a? Why, for
>example, do we not see it in *legh- "lie" (Slavic *lez^-)?
>Or *sek- "cut" (Slavic *sekyra or similar "scythe"or similar)?

For what it's worth, my explanation is: different underlying vowels.

The vowel /e/, being --almost-- the only vowel in the PIE phonological
inventory, is almost certainly derived from a merger of different
vowels in pre-PIE.

My guess would be:

**sak > *sek^
**sik > *sek^
**suk > *sekW

**saq > *sak
**siq > *sek
**suq > *sekW (or *sakW?)