o:u-theme words in Greek

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 45897
Date: 2006-08-30

What is the origin of o:u-declension Greek nouns ?

patro:s "paternal uncle", me:tro:s "maternal uncle"
he:ro:s "hero"

My comments:

It seems to be relation to u-class, compare:
Mino:s cf. Manu, Minyas, Mannus
Talo:s cf. dhel- "to shine", cf. Dellingr, Day's Father in ON
Tro:s cf. Tro:ilos and Hittite Taruisha
patro:s <?< *pHtrwos, cf. Latin patruus
he:ro:s, cf. Mycenean e-ro-e, *he:ro:-
And I'd add another name:
khely:s "turtle", with variants khelynna, khelyne, khelo:ne: cf. Slavic zely and Baltic *z^elwia: < *g^helu:-, *g^helo:u- ?

Joao SL

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