PIE Anthropogony

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 45870
Date: 2006-08-28

From the corpse of the Primordial Man, sprang the first species: the Air Sprites.

Norse Ljosalfar = Indian Yaksha+gandharva = Golden Race in Greece (turned into epikhtonioi, good demons who was dressed of air)

Then, sprang the second species: The Underground Goblins.
Norse Svartalfar = Indian guhyakas+rakshas = Silver Race in Greece (turned into hypokhthonioi)

From a tree, probably an ash, came the first couple of Humans.
Persian Mas^ya, Norse Askr and Embla,  Bronze Race ("made from ash-tree"), Indian Manu (= Greek Minos, Lydian Manes, Germanic Mannus)

This is just a first sketch, there are still unsolved problems.
 I want to see your comments.

Joao SL

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