Four *del-('s)

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 42837
Date: 2006-01-08

*del- `to aim, count, adjust', also smart, to damage'. 1. Alb.
<tall> `make fun of, mock, redicule', probably from suffixed zero-
grade *dl.H2-no (cf. Anglo-Saxon toel `joke, chiding'), synonymic
with <ther> `to knife' (cf. Gr. dolo:n, besides tolos `cheat,
bluff'). 2. From suffixed lengthened o-grade *do:l-ko >
dhelkë `fondling caress' and denominatives <dhela-toj> `to pamper,
coddle', <dhela-tar> `flattering' (cf. Anglo-Saxon tyllan `to
allure'); exists also metathesized form <ledhkë>, <ledha-toj>,
<ledha-tar> through dh – l > l – dh. (Pokorny 1. del- 193.)

*del- `to waggle, dither'. 1. Alb. <tul-at/tul-atem> `snuggle up,
curl, huddle', probably from zero-grade *dl.H1-oto. 2. Suffixed
metathesized suffixed form *lH1.d-sko + *-olyo > luh-ajë `swing',
<luh-at-em> `I am swinging': Skt. <dula> `shake'. (Pokorny 2. del-

*del- `to carve, artistically engrave'. 1. O-grade substantive form
*dol-t-eH2: > Alb. <daltë> `chisel' (present also in Romanian as
<dalta>, cf. Serbo-Croatian dlije-to. Slovenian dleto, Bulgarian
dlato, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *dol(?)bto, cf. Old Prussian
dalptan `sickle' ). Sorry for such large explanation, but it was
supposed that Albanian word could be a loan from Proto-Slavic): see
also <natë> `night' from *nogW-t-eH2, baltë from *bhol-t-eH2. 2.
djalë `boy, child, son' from *dels-o (cf. MIr del), pl.
djelm/djem `sons'. 3. <dhen/dhend> `to carve', probably from *del-
nt, due to much common prefixed form gdhen/gdhend (lost of /l/ after
nasals may be seen also in pl. djelm/djem). (Pokorny 3. del- 194.)

*del- `long'. 1. Alb. <i gjatë> `long', from attested form <i
glatë>: dl > gl is a result of phonotactics (see also *leig'- and
*leg'-), probably from *dlogh-t-. With this fossilized form are
attested also some place names, like Glana-sel, Glama, Glam-a-
çel/Gram-a-çel, even with o-vocalism as Glo-gjânë, probably from
extended and suffixed zero-grade form *dlo-to > gla-të: OHG lang:
Lat. longus, Gr. dolikhos `id.'. 2. Alb. <ndal> `to halt' is
morphologically similar to Gr. endolekhes and probably Lat.
indulgeo, probably from *en-dolgh-eyo, but semantically is identical
with Kymrisch dal, dala, daly `id.'; Bretonisch derc'hel `id.'
Exists also prefixed form <kadalë/ngadalë> `slowly'(Pokorny 5. del-
