From: grzegorj2000
Message: 40184
Date: 2005-09-20
> > Albanian is sometimes said to be outside the centum-satemdivision
> > because, before a front vowel, (as if) *k, *g(h) preserve while*kW,
> > *gW(h) change into s,
> >
> > The most known example of the preserving is Alb. kohë <
> > *ke:so- "time". But... Jacobson associated this word, known only
> > from Balto-Slavic and Albanian, with Slavic kosa "scythe", which
> > from *k'os- (Sanskr. ças "cut")!it
> >
> > So, this word can be just a borrowing from a centum language and
> > cannot be taken as a serious piece of evidence.kohë.
> Well, the phonetics and meaning work just fine in *ke:so- > c^asU,
> As for *k'os- > kosa (with possible *k'-s > *k-s), the semantics ofimagin the
> "scythe" and "time" is not very obvious (one could of course
> time as being cut but it's not nearly as good as the semantics inthe
> first etymology). C^asU on the other hand means exactly "moment,time,
> hour".Indeed, Slavic c^asU suggests the original meaning "period of time,
> Mate