Re: liaison a Celtic substrate?

From: squilluncus
Message: 39752
Date: 2005-08-25

--- In, "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@...> wrote:
> This "liaison" also occurs in Portuguese.
> Example:
> As asas azuis "the blue wings" /azaza zazuys/
Portuguese is indeed rich in liaisons and other sandhi phenomena.
I've heard about a man visiting a monastery and finding in the ossuary
the following inscription:
"Os nossos ossos esperam os vossos ossos".
Which, using what I believe to be Russian transcription into English,
would render something like:

Ozh nosso z-osso z-eshperã ozh vosso z-ossosh

(I'm a bit incertain about z-esperam, the connexion between the words
vossos and esperam is perhaps not close enough in normal speech;
in cultivated recitation one would perhaps on the other hand
get 'esperã m-ozh).

In contrast Casilian is less by far less complicated phonetically yhan
other Romance languages but not lacking sandhi phenomena altogether:
el agua, al.

Galicia has a Portuguese dialect.
Normation of the Portuguese literary language, has it come from the
northern parts following the formation of the kingdom or from Algarve?
Are there any differences in treating liaison between northern and
southern dialects?
