Re: [tied] Albanian intervocalic s > h

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 38783
Date: 2005-06-20

alexandru_mg3 wrote:

> The existence of an intervocalic s that passed to h in Proto-
> Albanian is strongly related to the correct derivations for Alb. kohë
> and Alb. gjuhë
> (also vjehërr is a strong candidate too)

I have very little time at present, so excuse a curt answer -- I'll be
less busy tomorrow. The original form of <kohë> (if related both to
Slavic *c^asU and OPr. ki:sman) is too uncertain to prove anything. Any
reconstruction must be assigned a big question mark. I don't believe
<gjuhë> has anything to do with Slavic *golsU; other etrymologies have
been proposed. As for <djethtë>, comparison with <gjashtë> 'six' shows
that *-k^s- in complex clusters did not develop like intervocalic *-k^s-
-- there must have been some not-too-clear phonetic similifications
(loss of one of the consonants).
