Re: Albanian intervocalic s > h

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 38781
Date: 2005-06-20

> Alexandru Marius Wrote:
> -të in djath-të is recent formation in Albanian.
> There is no -tht- formation in today Albanian, that could
> originate 'directly' from a PIE cluster

To complete myself here:

Abdullah, djathë is attested in this form in OLD Albanian at BUZUKU.
So there is no dek's-to.
The simple *dek's- is obvious here.

The PAlbanian Rule was:

PIE *k's > cs /tss/ > EPAlb c /ts/ > LPAlb th

and the similar rule (that gave also ts and not dz):

PIE *g's > 3s /dzs/ > EPAlb c /ts/ > LPAlb th

Timeframe: PAlb c /ts/ > PAlb th => at least before (aprox.) 200 AC

Best Regards,
Marius Alexandru