From: pielewe
Message: 38749
Date: 2005-06-19
> Nope, no such thing here. I was talking about:curetak/curic^ak
> masc. mus^karac "man" (but also mus^ko - neuter!!!),
> "little girl", zid "wall", mjesec "moon"man or
> fem. z^ena "woman", trava "grass", budala "fool"
> Budala (a Turkic loanword) is of fem. gender whether it applies to
> a woman (agreement - ova budala "this fool"). And it's not by theway fem.
> because it's derrogatory but because it's a loanword which ends in -a.
> Hmm, but I just thought of a thing that could be indeed sexist in
> It concerns nouns in -ica which are declined as fem. but can agreewith
> masc. adj. and verbs. Thus we have izbjeglica "refugee",poglavica "chief
> (of the tribe)" which can agree only with masc. (ovaj izbjeglica,ovaj
> poglavica), but kukavica "coward" and izdajica "traitor" can agreewith
> both masc. and fem. (ovaj/ova kukavica, ovaj/ova izdajica). Thatcould be
> because the latter examples are derogatory although I do not feelany
> difference in saying those with masc. or fem. agreement.(I usuallyuse
> only the fem. agreement as a rule).Interesting, I wasn't aware of the _curic^ak_ type. By the way, it