Re: *ap-/*up-/*ip- , rivers in -r

From: tgpedersen
Message: 36381
Date: 2005-02-18

--- In, "Peter P" <roskis@...> wrote:
> --- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...>
> >
> > In a language with cases, the number of "semantic cases" can be
> > extended by using a noun indicating position, in a positional or
> > directional case, as a post/preposition of a noun which is then
> > the genitive or some other suitable case, eg. Finnish 'Porin ja
> > välillä' "between Pori and Turku" (-n genitive, välilleä
> välillä - at the in between (place) (of Pori and of Turku).
> > adessive "on the middleroad", thus "on the middleroad of Pori
> > Turku"; 'keskellä järveä' "in the middle of the lake", keski-
> > "middle" in the adessive, järveä inessive of järve "lake).
> Actually, 'keskellä järveä' at the middle part of the
lake. 'Järveä'
> is in the partitive case and the nominative is 'järvi'
> > But one might also see keskellä as an adverb "centrally"
> > and järveä as "on the lake".
> Keskellä järveä (at the centre, part of the lake), 'keskellä' is an
> adverb in the adessive case and 'järveä' is a noun in the partitive
> case. You could just as easily say 'järven keskellä' (lake's, at
> centre). 'Järven' is a noun in the genitive case and 'keskellä'
is a
> postposition again in the adessive case.
> Welcome to Finnish cases.

Thanks for the correction. I was copying from Collinder's 'De
uraliska språken' and he left out the information of the case
of 'järveä'. Next time I'll try Basque. It uses the same device to
expand the number of semantic cases.
