Re: [tied] Balto-Slavic accentology

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 35469
Date: 2004-12-16

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:30:18 +0100, Miguel Carrasquer
<mcv@...> wrote:


>Pedersen's law is the analogical extension of lateral
>mobility to, initially, the accusatives of vowel stems. As a
>result, masculine and feminine non-barytones become mobile
>(as well as adjectives). Only the neuter o-stems nouns
>retain fixed non-barytone stress.
>In the verb,

not unimportantly, barytone e-verbs become mobile [o-grade
verbs such as *bhodhh2- > bodoN, *bhorH- > borjoN, *pod- >
padoN must still have been acrostatic athematic at the
time]. Another

>similar development (which needn't be
>simultanous with Pedersen's law) is that some (most?)
>causatives (e.g. *poih3-éje-ti > *paji~ti) become mobile for
>some reason, while iteratives (e.g. *wod-éje-ti > *wadi~ti)
>remain fixed non-barytone, as do the other types of verbs
>mentioned above (*-né-, *-(i)jé-, *-sk^é- and denominatives
>in *-ijé > -í:- [acute]).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal