Re: [tied] Re: Your historical timeline

From: george knysh
Message: 35268
Date: 2004-12-02

--- alex <alxmoeller@...> wrote:

> the assumtions have been given by George, so how I
> understood it:
> -the Dacians migrated ( they becoming Albanians)

*****GK: I would be prepared to accept this on the
basis of the notion that modern Albanian may have
derived from Dacian rather than Illyrian, which was
argued on this list a while back.*****

> their way to actually
> Albania, they founded cities,

*****GK: I made no such assumption.*****

one of them being
> Thermidava.

****GK: I merely suggested that there was no way of
proving when exactly and under what circumstances this
city was founded. One may argue for just about any
period prior to 130 AD. My real point was that one
city, no matter when founded, was hardly sufficient
evidence to bolster Marius' contention about the
pre-Roman nature of certain Albanian linguistic

The fact there
> is just one (known)"-dava" makes the things strange
> because there is
> expected on the assumtion of George, the values
> should be bigger as 1 on
> their way to Albania. The "expected value" should be
> more as "1" we have and
> geographicaly they (the new builded -davas) should
> be amplaced on the way
> from Dacia to Albania. Right?

*****GK: I'm not really sure as to when exactly the
assumed Dacian arrival into Illyria might have
occurred. Just possibly during the disorders of the
"great migrations", so roughly around mid-first
millennium AD give or take a couple of centuries. I
just don't know. I don't think these migrants would
necessarily have been city dwellers.*****

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