--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Abdullah Konushevci"
> PIE root *a:ter- 'fire' > Albanian Geg <votër>, Tosk <vatër> is
> regular outcome, for PIE /*a:/ yields in Albanian /o/.
it is right "a:" > "o"; that does not explain the "va-". There is no
other word -so far I know- which shows an initial "va-" in Albanian
and which derive from an IE root with an initial "a:"
The Geg "votër" will sustain that initialy there has been an "we:-"
and this hypothesis is amplified by Romanian plural form with "e" in
The Tosk "va-" should be the Romanian influence. Incidentaly Tosk
dialect shares at most phonetical changes with Romanian , doesn't it?