Re: [tied] Etruscan numerals

From: enlil@...
Message: 34748
Date: 2004-10-17

> I don't agree. A shift "5" to "4" is improbable [...]

It's also irrelevant here since there are only two camps
regarding /hutH/. Either the word means _"six"_ or "four",
because of the interpretation of the dice.

So this armchair comparison with NEC is empty.

> It's far better to consider /huth/ as belonging to:
> NEC Protoform: *he>mq.y
> Meaning: four

Let's not. Until you find a reasonable set of sound correspondances,
it's not entertainable. You can't just make *q. become /tH/ and
forget about the *m. There are far better theories to busy our mind
with. Whether true or false in the end, everyone can see that a
comparison between /hutH/ and IE *kWetwor- is far more credible than
the above drivvel.

= gLeN