Re: [tied] Re: Beinn Bhreagh

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 34592
Date: 2004-10-11

At 9:32:07 AM on Monday, October 11, 2004, Richard
Wordingham wrote:

> The 'h', an alternative to a dot above, denotes lenition
> in Gaelic. Although lenition initially turned stops into
> fricatives, it has gone further in some cases, so <th> is
> [h] or silent. <bh> is [v] (possibly bilabial).

Or [w] (or even [f] before <th> or <f>).

> Hard <dh> and <gh> are typically voiced velar fricatives,
> but in some dialects they are [g]. I think it is [g] on
> Arran.

And all of them can combine with a preceding vowel to
produce a diphthong, at least in some dialects (e.g., [au]
for the <odh> in <bodhar>).
