Re: [tied] Re: Etymology of "Warsaw"

From: george knysh
Message: 33994
Date: 2004-09-04

--- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> --- In, Piotr Gasiorowski
> <gpiotr@...>
> wrote:
> > On 9/3/04 1:13 PM, tgpedersen wrote:
> >
> > > PIE *wer-s- "rain" ?
> >
> > Far-fetched, and doesn't account for the suffix.
> Warsaw isn't more
> rainy
> > than the rest of the country.

****GK: Apart from the fact that it is unclear what
would have been considered the "country" when the
place was first named, one thinks of the many locales
called "Komarno" even if not necessarily more infested
by mosquitoes than other such...*****
> >
> It means "humidity" too. If it is that root, then
> it's from a
> language where *e > *a and after RUKI *s > *s^ (not
> *x as is
> Slavic). And if it isn't Slavic, there's no need to
> reject the
> Baltic parallels. Temematic (except I forgot the
> rules of that
> hypothetical substrate language)?
> Torsten

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