Re: Metathesis of liquids

From: tolgs001
Message: 33667
Date: 2004-07-31


In Romanian, there is a similar construction to express "everybody":
<tot omul> (along with <toatã lumea> "todo el mundo").

>se'n tornàs a llurs locs

In Romanian, <se'ntoarnã la locurile lor> is possible (where
<întoarnã> is an archaic variant for <întoarce> (Lat. <torna>
& <torque>, I suppose))


In Rum. also <oaste> or <o$tire>.

>Catalan <aplegar>, <arreplegar> "to gather, to take
>something (from the floor/ground)".

In Rum.: "(eu) mã aplec (ca) sã culeg" or "ridic".

