[tied] Re: Decircumflexion, N-raising, H-raising: Slavic soundrules

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 32305
Date: 2004-04-25

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:

> Remind me: was Krivichian masc. (o-stem) nom. sg. -e the
> ending of both hard and soft stems, or only of hard stems?
> And what are the corresponding accusatives? At some point,
> when I was reshuffling rules (in this case J-umlaut _before_
> H-raising), I got Krivichian-looking nominative *-jos > -je
> as the result.

Here's part of the *o-stems paradigm (in normalized transcription;
please note that /k'/, /g'/ and /x'/ functioned as phonemes, and that
*c and *c^ (< *c^,*tj) merged in /c/ ("alveolo-palatal" affricate):

1. masculines, hard substantival declension:
N. -e (xle^be 'bread', zamUke 'lock', vUnuke 'grandson',
Domaslave 'n.pr.', ke^le 'whole', mIrItve 'dead', lixe 'bad',
vUdale 'having given (l-part.)')
V. -e (brate 'brother', Mar(U)ke 'n.pr.', bratUke 'brother')
Acc. -U (dvorU 'yard', otrokU 'official of a low rank')
G. -a (smIrUda 'peasant (paying taxes to the state rather than a
feudal lord', otroka)
D. -u (bratu, posadIniku 'governor (of a city-state)')
L. -e^ (Bojane^ 'n.pr.', otroke^, velike^ 'great')
In. -UmI (koz^'uxUmI 'sheepskin')
N. -i ~ -e^ (distribution unclear; smIrIdi, mInogi 'many',
ve^z^Iniki 'nomade', byli 'having been (l-part.)',
zolotInike^ 'weight measure (about 4,25 gr.)', opIrIsInike^ 'part of
priestly vestments', sUtUrUgovale^ 'having bartered (l-part.)' (since
13th c.))
Acc. -e^ (~ -y) (distribution unclear, but -y is very rare in early
texts; kUlUtUke^ 'kind of temporal pendant', uc'astUke^ 'piece of
land', name^ 'interest', gorUde^ 'town', u[r]ek[y] 'agreement',
(since 13th c.) sigy 'sig (Coregonus)', gody 'year')
G. -U
D. -omU (selIc'anomU 'peasant', xotyn'anomU 'dwellers of XotynI')
L. -e^xU (xUlUste^xU 'cloth', toroke^xU 'strap')
In. -y (namy 'interest', izrosty 'interest')

2. masculines, soft substantival declension:
N. -I (~ -e??) (-I prevails: gospodarI 'owner', muz^I 'man',
korI 'stubbed out forest' (<*-rjI), konI 'horse',
novUgorodIcI 'Novgorodian' (<*-IkU), posadInicI 'posadnik's' (<*-
itjI), borIcI 'tax-collector', Ol(U)toromei 'Bartholomew',
Vasilei 'Basil' (<*-jI); but also sporadically Vasile,
NesUdilIce 'n.pr.' (<*-IkU), kUn'aze 'prince' (<*-INgU)),
V. -e? (bratIce 'brother' (<*-Ik-))
Acc. -I (obrucI 'bracelet' (<*-kjI), svinIcI (<*-ikU) 'lead',
konI 'horse', muz^I 'man', boi 'beating' (<*-jI))
G. -a (pIsIca 'scribe', kon'a, Vasil'a)
D. -u (kUn'az'u)
L. -e^ ~ -i (distribution unclear; Nustue^ 'n.pr.' (<*-uj-), kone^,
Zajace^ 'n.pr.'(<*-INk-), bratIni 'brother's' (<*-nj-),
Jaroslavli 'toponym' (<*-vj-))
In. -ImI (G'urIgImI 'George')
N. -i ~ -e^ (distribution unclear; usIr'azi 'ear-ring',
perIni 'feather-bed', povoji 'married woman's head-dress',
doroganici 'dweller of DoroganI' (<*-itj-), polovIce^ 'Polovtsian',
svIe^ 'Swede')
Acc. -e^ (kone^, ne^mIce^ 'foreigner of Germanic origin')
G. -I
D. unattested
L. -e^xU ~ -ixU (distribution unclear, but -ixU isn't attested in the
eraly texts; MUlUvotice^xU 'toponym' (<*-itj-),
DobrokostecixU 'toponym' (<*-itj-))
In. unattested

3. neutrals, hard substantival declension:
N. Acc. -o (selo 'village', sv'ato 'holiday')
V. unattested
G. -a (serIbra 'silver', vina 'wine')
D. -u (Roz^Istvu 'Christmas', sUtu '100')
L. -e^ (polotIne^ 'cloth', serIbre^)
In. -UmI (dobrUmI 'good')
N. Acc. -a (le^ta 'year', z^ele^za 'fetters')
G. -U
D. unattested
L. -e^xU (sukUne^xU 'cloth')
In. unattested

4. neutrals, soft substantival declension:
N. Acc. -e (vUzUgolUvIe 'pillow')
V. unattested
G. -a (povele^nIja 'command')
D. unattested
L. -e^ (orudIje^ 'case', SelIce^ toponym', GorUdi/s^k/e^ 'toponym'
In. -ImI (celIcImI 'fore-part of woman's head dress' (<*-Ik-)
N. Acc. -a (le^ta 'year', z^ele^za 'fetters')
G. -U
D. unattested
L. -e^xU (sukUne^xU 'cloth')
In. unattested

(N. and Acc. only -- got tired :) )
5. masculines, hard pronominal declension
N. -e (same 'himself', vUxe 'all', keto 'who', te 'that')
Acc. -U (vIxU 'all')
N. -e^ (~ -i) (te^ 'those', vIxe^ 'all', same^ 'themselves',
tvoe^ 'thy', ti 'those'(?))
Acc. -y (ty 'those')

6. masculines, soft pronominal declension
N. -I (moi 'my', tvoi 'thy', i 'he')
Acc. -I (i 'he', moi 'my', vas^I 'your', ve^sI)
N. -i (?) ((in later texts) moji 'my', tvoi 'thy')
Acc. -e^ (?) ((in later texts) svoe^)

7. neutrals, hard pronominal declension
N. Acc. -o (to 'that', vIxo 'all')
N. Acc. unattested

8. neutrals, soft pronominal declension
N. Acc. -e (se 'this', e 'it', svoe 'refl. poss.', exception (of
course) cI(to) 'what')
N. Acc. unattested


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