> But the point is that they do exist:
> massanassis harmahis "the god's head" (*-osyos)
> massanassin harmahin "the god's head" (acc.) (*-osyom)
> massanassi harmahi "to the god's head" (*-osyoi)
> massanassati harmahati "from the god's head" (*-osyoti)
I didn't say they didn't but that has nothing to do with
*-syo although apparently you want it to be in order to prove
some point... but I'm really not sure what.
There's nothing other than *-syo. No **-syo-z, **-syo-m, or
anything of the kind. Rather, feeling the need to reconstruct
so many forms in preIE that we are forbidden by the data to
reconstruct for IE or to explain so frantically why these
forms just aren't there emphasizes the weakness of one's
theory all the more.
= gLeN