>Than how do you explain the difference of Luwian and Hittite? There was *q
>*k and later, when the Anatolian departed from IE the Luwians decided to
>change the *q to *k and *k to *k' whatta coincidence the same as some other
>lgs did independantly later?
Actually if you look at Anatolian as a dialect area with a _blurry_ boundary
which isoglosses and areal influences continue to travel and shape the
both centum influences on one end and satem influences on the other, then
it's not so bizarre or unaccountable. This is in fact how normal languages
develop, not by this robotic split and fracture scenario that you almost
paint here.
>I only have to have a change *k' > *k in Centum and you have to have *q >
>*k in both and *k > *k' in Satem.
Actually, I goofed on the *q > *k in satem. It would have to be first *[kW
>*[k k'], with *q > *k later. Bear with me. I forgot about that detail that
we had visited monthes ago but I hadn't thought about satem again until
now. In centum lgs, it would be *q > *k as usual. Anyways, given Albanian,
you still have to tell me how satem works with palatal velars if *q > *k
later. Or do you have a different interpretation of what Piotr is currently
>This only proves in my view that there is no real centum-satem division.
I KNOW that :( It was a figure of speech. I think this is why you don't
understand me. You take every shorthand I say as literal, making for
a difficult debate. If I were to explain every position I had in thorough
detail, I'd be writing six pages instead of one. And you don't want me
to write six pages, do you? :) Yes, there is no Proto-Centum but there
is an isogloss division. This is what I refer to when I say centum, not a
branch or IE.
= gLeN
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