On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 07:52:38 +0000, alexandru_mg3 <
> a) <apoi> (then) - the proposed latin source is 'ad post'
> b) <dup~a> (behind) - the proposed latin source is 'de post'
> Now could this 'post' become either 'poi' and 'p~a' ?
> For me is hard to believe.
I don't think dupã can be from "de post". That would have given /depoi/.
As to meaning, dupã is close to French (d')après, Cat. després, not only in
its concrete meaning "after, behind", but also in more abstract uses like
<dupã mine> "according to me" (Fr. d'après moi). The Fr. and Cat. words of
course come from <de (ex) presse>, but in both languages this replaced an
older form (de)puix, (de)puis, from Latin <postea>, <postius>: Cat. puix,
Occ. pueis, Fr. puis, Ital. poscia. In Romanian that would have given
*/depoas,ã/, which conceivably was altered to <dépoa(s,ã)> --> <dúpã>.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal