--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alexandru_mg3" wrote:
> Hello George,
> Your interpretation of 'tri' as :
> '[trij] or [triy] that contains a diphtong' is pure Science
> Fiction.
Trust my word, George knows what's speaking about on this one.
> I tell you as a native speaker of 'tri'.
... who hasn't read anything about phonetics, nor have had enough
lectures on (sub-)dialectal Romanian:
"Gâlcili - motofâlcili
O plecat sâ pascâ,
Trii babi sâ li pazascâ !
Una schioapâ - nu putea;
Una surdâ - n-auza ;
Una chioarâ - nu videa,
Gâlcili sâ-mpr?stia!
S-o ramas: din trii - douâ;
Din douâ - una ;
Din una - nisi una !"
Lacking that, reading and understanding his words should have been
in principle enough. One does _not_ pronounce "tri-" in "albaStri"
[albaStri] like in subdialectal variant "trii" [triy]. You might
not perceive that as a diphthong /iy/ but as long vowel /i:/, the
idea being the same. This is sometimes spelt as above, in older
texts, one used a "short i" sign for the yod (either in Cyrillic
or in Latin script, nowdays there is no "short i" left in Romanian
> Are you a native romanian or not?
Were your presence on r-lang anything but formal, you should have
already known the answer.
Marius Iacomi