Re: [tied] Albanian Names (1) --> Aziz

From: alex
Message: 26837
Date: 2003-11-03

alex wrote:
> I am quite intrigued that Thomascheck points that the spelling of "z"
> shouldn't has been an "z" but an "z^" kind of consonant "j" in Rom. or
> the palatalised "g^". He means that this should have been the spelling
> because the words like aiziz^is, dez^is, deiz^as are wrotten with
> Greek "xi" and just only some few examples with zeta.
> A such opinion makes me to think that there is no "z" or "z^" but
> simply "sh".

> Alex

In fact, assuming that the sounds /c^i/, /c^e/,/g^e/,/g^i/,/s^/,/z^/,
/ts/, have already existed in the period prior Roman qonquest in
Thracian, which should have been for Greeks and Romans the posibility to
write down these "barbaric" sounds?
I am sure just on /ts/ which in a later period ( after 100 AC) have been
mentioned in Greek as /tz/, but for the rest?
