--- Abdullah Konushevci <
> Mogyla, a ovo od ie. u: , koji je oc^uvan u
> iliro-trac^kom *magula,
> odakle je rum. Magura (sic!).
> Petar Skok, Etimologijski rjec^nik hrvatskoga ili
> srpskoga jezika",
> JAZU, Zagreb, 1971, pp.558.
*****GK: I may not have understood him completely, so
correct me if I'm wrong. Does Skok contend that the
word "mogila" (with three meanings: heap; burial
mound; hill) later metathesised as "gomila" (first
meaning only) derives from a "Thraco-Illyrian" *magula
(same meanings)? Hence a Thracian rather then Iranic etymology?******
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