Re: The Magic Mountain

From: g
Message: 23881
Date: 2003-06-26

>>while Polish toponymic <Magura> (in the southern highlands)
>>is a loan repaid to us by Daco-Romanian immigrants.
>I start from the point that place names present must fossilized
>linguistic data not only in Albanian language. It is true that such
>place names exist in Albanian onomastics, as exists adjective <i
>madh> < *mog-.

In Romanian, <mãgurã> is not only a place name or a component
of a place name (e.g. Mãgura, Mãgura Ilvei, Mãgura Ierii, Mãguréle,
scattered both in mountaneous and plains areas), it is also a synonym
for such words as <deal>, <munte>, <culme>.

