Re: Albanian Christian religious terminology [Was: Re: [tied] Basil

From: george knysh
Message: 23879
Date: 2003-06-26

--- Abdullah Konushevci <a_konushevci@...>

> > For <God>, Rom. <Dumnezeu>, Albanian used words
> <per�ndi> (also
> > <at�>, <zot>), discussed few months before in this
> list

*****GK: My apologies for asking again. The Archives
search engine didn't work for me re "zot".*****

as one
> > inherited word, not a loan as Alex means;

*****GK: Just "perandi", or are all three: "perandi"
"ata" and "zot" --- "one inherited word"?*****

> Jesus they used
> word
> > <hyu> 'god',

*****GK: So this is actually a fourth word for

which, according to my view, is from
> Greek ho huios,
> > latter ho h�ios 'son', due to Sanctam Trinitatem.

*****GK: So there is no single designation for "God"
in Albanian (akin to Romanian "Domnezeu" English "God"
Slavic "Bog(h)" Latin "Deus", et sim.)?*****

> Albanian
> > <pag�zoj> 'baptizare' was meant that is derived
> from Lat., but,
> > accoring to my view, it is derivatives of Albanian
> *bag-, present
> in
> > <bag�m> 'ointment, chrisom, chrism', otherwise the
> /-g-/ in verb
> is
> > unexplainable.

*****GK: So acc. to you this word too is an "internal
construction" rather than a straight loan. The more
such there are, the less one may assume the presence
of effective early Christian missionaries.*****

<Christmas>, ALb. K�rsh�ndella, new
> calque
> > linguistique Krishtlindje.

******GK: How is this analyzed?*****

> > Albanian <Sh�lbyes> 'Saviour' is an iternal
> creation of the verb
> > sh�lbej< Lat. 'salvare'.

*****GK: I don't quite understand. In Latin "salvator"
and "salvare" are also closely related (obviously).
Which doesn't stop "salvator" from being an early
ubiquitous term in Christian literature. When you say
that in Albanian "Shalbyes" is "an internal creation"
of "Shalbej" is this just a casual comment pointing
out the obvious, or are you saying something more,
e.g. that the term was coined later?*****

> Sorry, I forgot <resurrection>. About this word in
> Albanian is used
> a prefixed form <ngjallje>, derived from the
> adjective <i
> gjall�> 'live', discussed also very deeply few
> months ago.

*****GK: So both in Albanian and in Romanian a central
concept of Christianity cannot be linguistically
related to the standard vocabulary of Latin Christian
propaganda (word not used pejoratively here).*****

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