From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 23281
Date: 2003-06-14
The only thing they have in common is the prefix <za->. <zavora> is derived from *za-ver-ti 'to lock, bar' (e.g. Pol. zawrzec', zawora). <zabralo> is the South Slavic development of *za-bor-dlo; the root here is Slavic *bor- 'defend'. The Polish cognate is the now rare dialectal word <brodl/o> 'haystack' (originally, 'wooden division in a barn' < *bordlo 'palisade').I am stil intrigued by the slavic form of "zabrV-" . There is 100% a loan from slavic in the word "zãbrea" ( from Slavic "zabralo") and the verb "zãbreli". Though this is not "zãvor" and "zãvorâ". Both of them means to lock up, but the "zabreli" is special one which means "iron bar at window" for not allowing someon to get inside/outside of hauses on the window. I see these words as related. Piotr, do you have any opinion about ?