>> nööööööööö, I won't. If the Bulgarian hitorians did not did it, why
>> hould I do it? :-)
> This'll be the best occasion for you to show the great
> substrate heritage! (So there's no need to insist on
> the Latin/Roman part of it. ;-)
>> alex
> George
I cannot since in Albanian / Romanian and Bulgarian /Romanian the senses
& sound are mostly the same. In the Latin ecuastion there is
toooooooooooooooo much which does not fits with the etymological
statments. To quote from a recent message of Piotr:
"For an etymological proposal to make sense, it has to be sound both
formally and semantically; additionally, a plausible historical scenario
must be offered to explain the trajectory of a word in time and space."
If this does not happe, to quote from Peter:
"they may be coincidence (this is surprisingly common)"