Re: Julius Klaproth

Message: 23083
Date: 2003-06-11

Alex wrote:

>If we count on Oguznamen

I'm sceptical about "Oguznamé". Look at the excerpt from the
article by this turkologist (in Romania):

Ekrem, Mehmet Ali, O mentiune inedita despre romanii din secolul al IX-lea,
in "Oguznamé", cea mai veche cronica turca, in SCIVA, 31, nr 2, 1980

p. 287-294:

Oguznamé – Analele hanului Oguz. Fresca a istoriei popoarelor turce din zona
Asiei Centrale in secolele 7 i.e.n – 11 e.n., respectiva cronica, scrisa
intr'un stil metaforic, aminteste in felul urmator evenimentele petrecute in
secolul al 11-lea [and now the quotation]:

"Cand Qipçaq [personificarea poporului cuman] a crescut mare si a devenit
voinic, tarile Urus [rusilor], Ulak [romanilor], Magar
[maghiarilor; nota: cu "g" semivowel] si Ba$qurd au devenit
dusmane si n'au vrut sa se supuna. Atunci [Oguz Han] i-a oferit
lui Qipçaq mult popor si numerosi nöqeri [ostasi] si i-a poruncit
sa mearga in partile lui Ten [Don?] si Itil [Volga] si sa le aduca
sub ascultare".

(As QIptchaq (the personification of the Cumans) grew big
and migthty, the countries Urus, Ulak, Magar and Bashqurd
became enemies and refused allegiance. Then [Oguz-khan]
offered KIpchaK numerous people and nöker [soldiers] and
ordered him he should go in the Don and Volga areas and
to make them obey.)

The Ulaks in this story can't have been them Vlachs, since
the latter didn't reach the banks of the rivers of Don and
Volga until recent, Soviet, times.

>and of the chronic of Friedrich


>Barbarossa ( this one , right some later, 1189 AC) then the things
>appear in another light. About this Atlas appeared first time in

In order to know or to speculate that the Romanians were
somwhere there under the Hungarian newcomers as well,
you don't need an 19th century didactic map. King Béla's
anonymous P. notary mentions them at least in Transylvania
under a local chieftain called Gelou, who was defeated by
king Arpad's general Tuhutum.

>.... Roesler in his "Rumänische Studien".

"romänische" (it's curious, but that was the spelling
by Rösler).

>OK, when we will have the material, we can discusse about it and it
>should be welcome to present this material on r-hist too I hope.

Of course.


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