Re: Julius Klaproth

From: tolgs001
Message: 23046
Date: 2003-06-11

Alex wrote:

>>*****GK: I guess we all know a bit about Klaproth. No,
>>I've not seen this Atlas. But tell us, is this a
>>genuine "map from 912" or is it a map indicating where
>>Klaproth thought the "Walaches" were located in
>This is what I want to find out.

It must be a map reflecting the interpretations
and/or knowledge of K's time on the events of
912 (perhaps in connexion with Constantin the
7th Porphyrogenitus's reign, namely the 1st year
thereof; or Otto the Great's birth; or, if you
prefer, coz it's... hype today, 912 can be seen
as the end of those "missing centuries", "Phantom-
jahre", a period of time that, according to some
fans, never existed and was invented by the
Church both in Rome and Constantinople; roughly
betw. 614-912. :=).

For otherwise, if K's map had been a copy of such
an old map, this would have been put (along with
photos) in history books for pupils in Romanian
schools at least between 1850-2003.

So don't expect to make some... epochale Entdeckung,
à la admiral Piri Reis's map of the Antarctica. :)
