P&G wrote:
>> It seems to me that the Greek sources shows an "e" for "Rome" and
>> Romans. At least in koine it is presented with Rém-, references I
>> gave in a previous post.
> Rubbish. The usual Koine form for Rome is Rome, adjective Romaios,
> and also Romaisti = "in Latin". It tried to find your references,
> Alex, but they're buried amongst my spam. If you want to repost
> them, I'll check them.
> Peter
this is what I wrotte:
I present here just some observation and nothing more:
In Septuagint Version of Bible, in Greek the word "ab urbe Roma" appears
as "taj Rémhj";
In fact in Greek here Rome as city (Actus Apostolorum 18:2), Roma as
name of a women ( Genessis 22:24; Macabeorum 15:15;Macabeorum 7:1) all
appears as Réma
I have here a litle program which has OCS texts versus german, french,
latin and greek variants.
For Septuaginta ( Genessis ) there are some links on the weeb. I could
see there Reema with epsylon and eta but no "u" or "h".