Re: [tied] a, nu...

From: alex
Message: 22729
Date: 2003-06-05

m_iacomi wrote:
> ... conveniently forgetting about other Romance derivatives with
> similar meanings and major phonetical difficulties (for instance:
> Albanian substrate "vjedh(ull)" corresponds to Romanian "viezure"
> and the alleged correspondence between Albanian "vjetër" and
> Romanian "bãtrân" with "vje-" <-> "bã-" is just a dream).
> Marius Iacomi

Nonsense. In the word viedh(ulle) both languages have had the stress
since the old /e/ became in both /ie/
In the another, the stress is different and thus, in Albanian is /ie/
and in Rom. as expected /ã/ thus , there is nothing strange here, but
perfectly regular. You are tendentiously showing vje ( with the
iotacisation of the /e/) versus romanian "bã" where the /e/ is already
You know what my teacher said as I did a such trick ? "Sa-ti fie

As for the -anus > ânu :
did his Majesty any linguist tried to explain why Albanian remër,
Romanian "râmlean"?
Why in Old Romanian the word for Rome = Râm?
are tehse words loaned from any language? If yes which one?Greek,
You must agree that Albanian "rem-" from "remër-" and romanian "râm-"
from "râmlean" both meaning "Romans" have both the /e/ there and no /o/
or /u/ as from Romanus.

Mr Iacomi, I guess there is too much wished in this Latin-Romanian
ecuation and too much ommited in Albanian-Romanian relation.In fact the
relation Albanian-Romanian is this way:

There are "substratual" words of "lost idiom" if:
- the words present in Albanian & Romanian are not to find in other
- the words which are in Albanian & Romanian are not to derive from
other languages

Trough these criteria it was in fact established a very small circle,
trying to find similars words for two villages but not for two folks.
Everything else which could be explained trough Latin, Greek, Slavs has
been explained as such and a eventualy own evolution was interdicted ab
initio. Why? Simply, why? Because linguistic was more subiective until
now and there could be just " big culture" as Greek and Romans or "big
numbers" as Slavs.But about this, we have to say thank to Miklosicz. He
have let a open door saying we have to search more better as him and to
profite from the work of the people who spended a lot a time on this
topic before us.

cu bine


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