Re: Rum. prefix în-

From: g
Message: 22407
Date: 2003-05-30

>"im Bsl. durchaus durch ne- verdrängt; über ksl. ne-jeN-vêrI
>,ungläublig', ne-jeN-sytU ,unersattlich = Pelikan' s. Berneker 429"
>1. In the whole of Balto-Slavic replaced by ne-.

Only if in Pokorny's German <<durchaus>> meant
completely or (verbatim) throughout. In today's standard
German it doesn't have this meaning. "Im Baltoslawischen
durchaus" would mean today... "replacement too/yes, but
not complete and everywhere."

But given that Pokorny's Bohemian-Austrian German != today's

("Im ganzen Balto-Slawischen wurde *n durch ne- für
immer/vollständig verdrängt/ersetzt." has the meaning
"In whole of Balto-Slavic was *n replaced by ne-." "Für immer"
and or "'vollständig" would have eliminated any ambiguity.
"ersetzt" for "replaced;" "verdrängt" gives us a further
hint: "gradual marginalization," "fading away/out." IMHO)

