Re: [tied] truncus [Re: Androphobia sucks]

From: alex
Message: 22362
Date: 2003-05-29

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:
> It seems that also in Albanian those words have their traces:
> <trup> 'substance, matter; body of the tree, of the man, of the
> animals' < Sl. truplo, and trung 'trunk, log' < Lat. truncus.
> Albanian, it is very interesting, according to my view, has its word
> for <trunk>, for something truncated, <cung> 'tree stamp; stub' from
> zero-grade nasalized form of PIE *sek- 'to cut'; *sunk > cung.
> Konushevci
> ************

there cannot be the PIe *sek for the simple reason you have rom. "ciung"
with the same meaning as Albanian word.
there must be PIE "k" for having the Rom. "ciung". and the Albanian "s"
is a later evolution of this "ci".
DEX gives Rom. "ciung" as .. unknown, but please see the Italian
"ciunco" for the form of the word.( DEX say nothing about the meaning of
Italian "ciunco")
