From: tgpedersen
Message: 19728
Date: 2003-03-12
> The one seriously proposed shoreline change that might have hadin
> a significant effect on Indo-European origins is the one proposed
> Pitman et al.'s "Noah's Flood" book, where the Mediterranean brokeThat's strange, since that's the Old Greek version too (by I forgot
> through the straits and flooded a supposed sub-sealevel freshwater
> predecessor of the Black Sea (I believe someone brought this up on
> Cybalist a while ago). However, there was a paper by a Turkish
> group in the journal Geology last year (I can check the ref. if
> anyone wants it) that demolished the theory. Essentially, they
> demonstrated (to my satisfaction at least) that through the time
> when Pitman would have a mighty cataract pouring northward,
> sediments in the Sea of Marmara were quietly prograding southward.