Re: [tied] Re: Celts/Gauls

From: Michael J Smith
Message: 19717
Date: 2003-03-12

Hi Alex, you wrote:

> In fact "kimerioi" was the generally name given by the folks of Asia
> Minor to all the Nordic people.
> The name was got by Greeks from these people of AM.
> It should be maybe helpfully their toponym and antroponyms for
> trying to
> make a link to something.
> If there is a name like "Marcomir", one will think at Celtic "marco"
> at
> Dacian "marcodava" for instance.

Alex, where does the name Marcomir come from, and how is it related to
the Cimmerians? And what evidence is their that the term Kimmeroi
referred to all/any Nordic peoples? Didn't it specifically referr to the
Cimmerians/Gimmeri North of the Black sea? Do we even know from graves
or skeletal remains whether they were Nordic or not?

Or do you think that they could have been a grouping of several
linguistic/ethnic peoples?
And what do you mean by the connection of Celtic "Marco" with Dacian

Would love to know- Michael
> It seems there is a name which points more to "european" as to
> "iranian"
> side.
> I wondered always where from is this funny idea with Iranian
> leadership
> over all.
> Iranians in Karpathian Mountains, Iranian as leader of Germans,
> Iranians
> over Celts, Iranians over all.
> And in time, there is no Iranian anymore, all becoming assimilated
> by
> "different folks" ,but just after they gave the IE languages to
> these
> folks. It seems a far away from life scenario, very weak for being
> true
> too.
> .
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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