to draw
From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 17248
Date: 2002-12-22
draw - O.E. dragan "to drag, to draw" (class VI strong verb; past tense
drog, pp. dragen), from P.Gmc. *draganan "carry." Sense of "make a line
or figure" (by "drawing" a pencil across paper) is c.1200. Colloquial
sense of "anything that can draw a crowd" is from 1881. Drawback
"hindrance, disadvantage" is from 1720. A drawer is a box that can be
"drawn" out of a cabinet (c.1580); drawers (1567) are garments that are
pulled on. Drawing room (1642) is short for withdrawing room.
German : "tragen, " Mhd=" tragen"; Ahd:" tragan", gothic:" ga-dragan",
Old Isl.:"draga".
Latin: traho ( long "o"),traxi ( inf. traxe= traxisse), tractus
Slavic : ?? ( is there something with "dirji"??)
Romanian: a trage
It seems to me the Rom. "trage" cannot be derived from Latin , but I can
be wrong. DEX gives it with the another joker, the "vulgar latin", where
there should have been the word "*tragere" for explaining just the
Romanian form from all romances.
The latin "h" was mute. The "x" was from long time an "s" so the form
"trax" was "tras" = romanian form for perfect "tras".
But the conjugation of ind. present in Romanian is with affricated "g"
like in "gear" when "g" not at end of the word; when "g" is at the end
of the word then there is the normal velar "g":
Conjugation of ind. present:
trag, tragi, trage, tragem, trageti, trag
Is trage a latin one or what not?
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