Re: rex, ra_s.t.ra, nation

From: tgpedersen
Message: 16887
Date: 2002-11-26

--- In cybalist@..., "Richard Wordingham" <richard.wordingham@...>
> --- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> > --- In cybalist@..., "Richard Wordingham"
> > > Maybe you don't like the phonetics, but you've left out
> > > Hebrew sirgel 'ruler (tool, not person)' and regel, ragl- 'foot
> > (body
> > > part, not unit of length)'. I've left the lenition out and I
> need
> > to
> > > check the vowels.
> Sirge:l is the verb, 'to draw straight lines'. The tool
> is 'sarge:l'. The vowels are short in 'regel' and 'ragl-'.
> I can't help feeling that the s- in srgl should be a prefix, but I
> don't remember a prefix 's-' in Gesenius, the standard reference
> Hebrew.
> > I don't mind phonetics, but the guy who left them out is Møller,
> > since I know nothing of AfrAs languages. But thanks. One ragl
> coming up!
> Keep the hyphen on 'ragl-'; it only occurs with suffixes, e.g. in
> dual/plural 'raglayim'.
> > Torsten

Interesting. Møller mentions a Semitic causative prefix s- (wherever
he got that from) which he equates with IE s mobile, to which he
therefore tentativly also assgns a causative meaning (e.g. melt,
smelt, and, perhaps reach, stretch).
The various Austronesian languages, as far as I have understood it,
instead of using case suffixes to indicate the role of each NP in the
sentence, uses affixes to the verb to put it in a mode that indicates
that the sole, uninflected NP in sentence has that particular role.
Thus the verbal affix for instrument is the prefix Si-, which would
then be related to the Semitic causative s-. (For object it is the
suffix -n, cf IE past participles).


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