Re: [tied] Goths and OCS

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 16463
Date: 2002-10-20

----- Original Message -----
From: "Piotr Gasiorowski" <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Goths and OCS

> I have no comments about your list (all well-known examples,
sometimes slightly misquoted), except that there's no need to
attribute Latin origin to Germanic *awo: 'grandmother' and
*widuwo: 'widow' -- both respectable PIE words with plenty of
cognates. All that these borrowings prove is that the Germani
(and the Goths in particular) were within borrowing distance
of the Roman world, which nobody doubts anyway. Why this
should have been in Dacia, of all places (are there scorpions
in Romania? aren't there prisons outside Romania? :)), is
beyond my understanding, especially as some of the loans have
a pan-Germanic distribution and their form suggests very early
borrowing (not later than ca. AD 200). Dragane$ti's reasoning
seems to be underlain by wishful thinking.
> Piotr

I laughed too as I seen scorpions there. It seems for him is
important the construction of the both forms of future and the
fact just by living together of the populations of different
languages can be such lingvistic calcs.

It remains however true that the balcanics use the "will" for
making the future and this is to find in german languages. I
am not sure now how greek makes the future, but if there is a
bit strange future with will in germanic and balcanic but not
in nord& west slavic and latin & other romances.

Regarding tolove. I get now an info in celtic it was "lubo"
and in sanskrit this is "yabhati".In this case it shouldn't be
excluded that the form of getic to be similar with slavic
"liuba", celtic "lubo", latin "libet", germanic "liuba".Getic
was too an IE langauge so it is very probable that " a iubi"
is indeed autochtonous in romanian.
I sometimes hate when I think that people like Tuycide and
Meandru were getae but they did not wrote nothing about their

I see an another slavist, Pãtrutz, sustains that the earliest
slavic loans into romanin are at the begining of the X
century... hmm, a lot to say, but it is not ontopic that
anymore. What a list will discut borrowings in the medieval

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