Re: [tied] Gaelic (879)

From: erobert52@...
Message: 13687
Date: 2002-05-10

In a message dated 09/05/02 21:55:23 GMT Daylight Time, parsleyij@... writes:

Wi respect, Ed, A maun say A taen a quare scunner tae
whit ye writ about ma ain wey o writean Scots.

Ah didnae mean tae gie ye a scunner. Ah'm no sayin ye'r
a 'learner enthusiast' yirsel, bit ye dae recognise the
phenomenon. Ah hid a luik at yon website (or 'wabsteid'
if ye prefer) an it is a wheen ae blallum lik ye cried
it richt aneuch.

Ah think that aw yon kin ae bletherin an haverin daes
gie the wrang impreession ae whit like the language
really is. If fowk will kin think that Scots is some soart
ae conlang that naebody taaks in real life, then the
language will be deid afore lang, fur it'll hae nae chaunce
ae gittin ony offeecial support aff the high heid yins.

If linguists lik whit ur foregaither't here on this list
waant tae ken whit like leevin Scots is whan writ doon,
then they'd be better aff taen a luik at the nuvvels ae
Irvine Welsh, than the mixter-maxter aff some fowk that
gits cried Scots (Ah dinnae mean yer guid sel). It micht
hae been hoo they spake in Bearsden or Morninside in
the fowerteenth century, bit somehoo Ah hae ma doots.

Dinnae fash yirsel wi whit Ah said. Ah'm shair that ye
hae the best ae intentions, as dae maist fowk that ur
warkin fur the survival ae Scots.

If the word 'leid' hisnae deed oot at aw, Ah'm fair
blythe tae ken that.


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