Re: [tied] Gaelic (879)
From: Ian James Parsley (Laptop)
Message: 13676
Date: 2002-05-09
Wi respect, Ed, A maun say A taen a quare scunner tae
whit ye writ about ma ain wey o writean Scots.
Ye'r richt, the'r twathree 'learner enthusiasts' as
haes nae notion o whitwey the (or onie) leid sud be
representit an as juist maks up spellins as thay gaes
alang for tae shaw mair differ frae Inglis bys is
richtlie the case.
But A'm nae sic 'learner enthusiast'. A'm no fashed
takan wirds frae auld screeds an bringan thaim bak tae
the leid, sae bean ye daes it authenticlik. 'Leid' wad
be a guid ensample - the'r twa wirds, 'leid' an
'langage', as means the ae thing in Inglis
('language'). A richt 'learner enthusiast' wad uise
'leid' in aa cases (mebbe taakan o 'ill leid' for
Inglis 'bad language' for ensample). But A ken weel
the differ. The wird wad nou be weel-kent braid
Scots-taakan airts in Ulster. (But sic blaffum as
'langbletherer' or 'l-poast' isna kent ava.)
'Unnerstannd' is a maitter o spellin chyce. A pit the
'd' thar for tae shaw hit kythes in the pronunciation
o 'unnerstanndin' an shaw its kinship wi the past form
'unnerstuid', sae the'r nae pynt takan the <d> out an
then haean tae pit it bak in again. Sae A wad allou
thon's a better spellin nor 'unnerstaun', an A ken
Scots as gaes wi me.
A knaw fine weel at the reputation o Scots taakars (we
say 'taakars' hereawys) in Norlin Airlan haes taen a
wheen hits frae the blaffum at bes sat furth (or am A
no alloud sic 'auldfarrant/inventit' terms?) in the name o
'Ulster Scots'.
But gif ye'r for seean the real blaffum, tak a keek at
But caw cannie! Gif ye juist gae aroun giean scunners
tae aabodie as daesna juist gae wi yer ain wey o
writean an uisean Scots, the leid's for deean strecht
aff! Ye sud knaw yersel at a richt 'learner
enthusiast' wad hae uised 'screive' for 'write' in
this screed...
Sairlie but aefauldlie,
Ian P.
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