From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 13549
Date: 2002-04-29
>I just need to emphasize the following:Of course: -escu in e.g. surnames is I guess simply the form with the
>1. In Romanian the basic form of the suffix is "-esc" not "-escu" like in "calugaresc" from "calugar" (monk).
>2. To me, it looks and sounds closer to Spanish than Slavic. Like in the popular Spanish surname "Flores" and its Romanian equivalent "Floresc(u)".No. Spanish has the suffix -esco (e.g. caballeresco). I'm not sure
>3. The fact that Romance speaking population lived (very) close to Slavic speaking population for a long time probably just reinforced the use of the IE suffix *-isko in both groups, rather than one group loaning it from another.That's what I said, except that Latin -iscus does itself not derive